Hearing Care Services

Medical Tourism (Wisata Medis)

Medical Tourism (Wisata Medis)
Our clients from Java and Sumatra love our hearing care services and the quality of our state-of-the-art hearing aids!

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing during sleep. Learn more...

Conditioned Play Audiometry

Conditioned Play Audiometry
Check your little one's hearing with Conditioned Play Audiometry (CPA), a hearing test designed for toddlers and preschoolers age 2-5 years old. Learn more...

Infant Hearing Screening Test

Infant Hearing Screening Test
Early detection through infant hearing screening test and intervention in your child's auditory development has profound importance. As parents, we all want the best for our little ones, and ensuring their ability to hear and communicate is a fundamental cornerstone in their early journey.

Speech In Noise Tests

Speech In Noise Tests
Speech testing measures the ability of a person to hear, understand and repeat words.

Assisted Ear Cleaning & Earwax Removal by Professionals

Assisted Ear Cleaning & Earwax Removal by Professionals
Get up-to-date with your ear condition under our professional care. Within an hour, feel a difference in the clarity of sound and receive a complementary hearing test for further diagnosis and evaluation.

Lifetime Aftercare Program

Lifetime Aftercare Program
You will be automatically enrolled into our exclusive Lifetime Aftercare Program when you completed a hearing aid fitting with us.

Mobile Hearing Centre

Mobile Hearing Centre
If you have difficulties getting to our centre, then worry not because we will come to you with the first Mobile Hearing Centre in Malaysia!

Remote Hearing Care

Remote Hearing Care
You are now able to have your hearing aids programed and adjusted from anywhere in the world without even leaving your home and visiting us!

Home Visit

Home Visit
Customers with mobility issues can choose our home visit services, which we provide in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Hearing Aid Maintenance & Cleaning

Hearing Aid Maintenance & Cleaning
The Listening Lab employs modern and advanced systems to diagnose the health of your hearing aid and maintain it to pristine standards.

Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus Relief
Persistent tinnitus can affect your life in many negative ways. Learn what tinnitus is about and how to minimise its impact on you.