Cochlear Implant Surgery in Malaysia

Hearing loss can negatively affect a person's social and emotional communication. Cochlear implants (CI) are an alternative option when conventional hearing aids are insufficient for the wearer to understand speech information.


What is a Cochlear Implant and the Technology Used?

Unlike hearing aids that amplify sound, cochlear implants bypass damaged portions of the ear and directly stimulate the auditory nerve. This does not restore natural hearing but can provide the perception of sound, potentially allowing individuals with severe to profound hearing loss to hear again.

The cochlear implant device consists of two components:

  1. An internal implant surgically placed under the skin.
  2. An external cochlear implant processor worn over the ear.

This complex technology works differently from traditional hearing aids. While a hearing aid amplifies sound, a cochlear implant delivers sound signals directly to the hearing nerve, offering a different approach to accessing the full range of speech sounds.

These fully implanted hearing chips require surgical implantation and post-operative rehabilitation to achieve the best possible outcome. Early intervention is often key as the potential benefits of a CI may diminish as hearing loss progresses.

How Do Cochlear Implants Work?

As aforementioned, a cochlear implant is a small device surgically implanted in the inner ear. It has an external component that captures sound and a surgically implanted component that transmits signals directly to the auditory nerve fibres in the inner ear. This bypasses the damaged parts of the ear, providing a sense of sound in spite of hearing loss.

Although fear or anxiety surrounding surgery is understandable, cochlear implant surgery is a routine procedure performed by trained surgeons under general anaesthesia. Most patients experience minimal pain, and complications are infrequent. The potential benefits for individuals with severe or profound hearing loss can be significant.

Benefits of Cochlear Implants

Cochlear implants offer the potential for significant improvements in hearing and communication for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss. These benefits can extend beyond simply hearing sounds to enhancing overall quality of life.

  • Improved Speech Understanding: Cochlear implants can significantly improve speech understanding, especially in quiet environments. Over time and with consistent therapy, many users also experience improved speech perception in noisy settings, allowing them to participate more fully in conversations and social activities.
  • Enhanced Sound Awareness: Beyond speech, cochlear implants can heighten awareness of environmental sounds. This can improve safety by alerting users to alarms, sirens, or approaching vehicles. It can also enrich daily life by allowing them to enjoy music, nature sounds, and the nuances of everyday life.
  • Better Sound Localisation: Cochlear implants can help users identify the direction of a sound, which is crucial for safety and spatial awareness. This can make it easier to locate a speaker in a group conversation or determine where a sound is coming from in a complex environment.
  • Increased Independence: By improving communication and sound awareness, cochlear implants can foster greater independence. Users may feel more confident engaging in social interactions, pursuing educational or career opportunities, and participating in activities they previously avoided due to hearing difficulties.
  • Enhanced Emotional Well-being: The ability to hear and communicate effectively can have a profound impact on emotional well-being. Cochlear implants can alleviate feelings of isolation, frustration, and depression often associated with hearing loss, leading to improved self-esteem, confidence, and overall life satisfaction.
  • Stronger Social Connections: Improved communication through cochlear implants can strengthen social bonds with family, friends, and colleagues. Users may feel more connected and involved in conversations, leading to deeper relationships and a greater sense of belonging.

It is important to note that the benefits of cochlear implants vary from person to person. Factors such as the duration of hearing loss, age at implantation, and individual rehabilitation efforts can influence outcomes. However, for many individuals, cochlear implants can be a life-changing intervention that opens up a world of sound and possibilities.

Who Can Benefit from Cochlear Implants?

Ideal candidates for cochlear implants typically have severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears and receive limited benefit from traditional hearing aids. Both children and adults may be suitable candidates, depending on their specific hearing loss and overall health.

Cochlear Implants for Adults/ Seniors: Improving Quality of Life

Adults and seniors with severe to profound hearing loss who do not benefit sufficiently from hearing aids may find cochlear implants to be a suitable solution. The cochlear implant system bypasses damaged hair cells, converting sound into electrical signals transmitted to the auditory nerve. The internal implant is surgically placed, and the external speech processor is worn behind the ear or on the body.

Benefits of cochlear implants for adults may include improved speech recognition in various environments, enhanced sound localisation, and an overall better quality of life. This can have a positive impact on social interactions, work life, and emotional well-being.

Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Giving Children the Gift of Hearing

Cochlear implants are also an effective treatment option for children with severe to profound hearing loss. CI has been shown to improve speech and language development in children who receive them at a young age. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children with severe to profound hearing loss receive a CI as early as possible, ideally before 12 months have passed since the onset of hearing loss.

CI for children works similarly to CI for adults. The implant is surgically placed beneath the skin, while the speech processor is worn behind the ear or on the body. Children who receive a CI may need ongoing support and therapy to help them adjust to their new hearing and develop their speech and language skills.

The Cochlear Implant Surgery: What to Expect

The cochlear implant surgery is typically performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision behind the ear to access the inner ear and inserts the implant. The surgery usually takes a few hours, and most patients can go home the same day or the following day.

Prior to surgery, patients will undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine candidacy. This includes hearing tests, medical examinations, and imaging studies. Patients will also receive detailed instructions on pre-operative preparation and post-operative care.

Following surgery, patients will need to attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and adjust the settings of their cochlear implant processor. Rehabilitation and therapy may also be necessary to help patients adapt to their new hearing and develop their speech and language skills.

Cochlear Implants Brand: Advanced Bionics

Advanced Bionics is one of the leading manufacturers of cochlear implant systems. Their CI system features a unique electrode array design that is designed to maximise the stimulation of the auditory nerve. This design improves sound perception and speech recognition in quiet and noisy environments.

Advanced Bionics also offers a range of accessories and support services to help users get the most out of their CI system. These include the AquaMic waterproof microphone, the T-Mic microphone, and the HiRes Fidelity 120 programming strategy.

Additionally, the company provides ongoing support and training for CI users and their families to ensure they can use their devices effectively and achieve the best possible outcomes.

While the Naida Cochlear Implant has been a popular solution for severe hearing loss for many years, there has been a recent trend of patients switching to the Marvel Cochlear Implant developed by Advanced Bionics and Phonak. The Marvel Implant offers several advantages over the Naida, including a broader range of connectivity options and improved sound quality.

Many patients have reported better speech understanding and music enjoyment with the Marvel Implant, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a high-performance hearing solution. However, it's important to note that the choice between the Naida and Marvel Implant ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences and should be made in consultation with a medical professional.

How Cochlear Implants transform a life

Edward was also long-term hearing aid user who recently switched to a cochlear implant. Edward found that his hearing aids were no longer sufficient, and he was experiencing anxiety and fear due to the inability to hear speech.

After learning about the benefits of cochlear implants, Edward decided to make the switch. He can now hear sounds and speech more clearly and is experiencing a significant improvement in his quality of life. Watch his video to learn how he discovered the benefits of cochlear implants and changed his life and career.

Cost of Cochlear Implants in Malaysia

Public Healthcare Pricing

In Malaysia, public hospitals offer subsidised cochlear implants, primarily prioritising children under four. The waiting time for a hearing assessment is typically within two months, with standard and fast-track options available at varying costs.

Private Healthcare Pricing

The cost of cochlear implants varies in private healthcare facilities. The implant device is usually not covered by insurance, but consultation fees, hospitalisation, and surgery costs may be claimable, subject to insurance policy conditions.

Funding & Subsidy for Cochlear Implants in Malaysia

First Implant

  • Cochlear Implant Programme, Ministry of Health
  • Public Service Department (JPA)
  • Tabung Bantuan Perubatan (TBP)
  • Self-funding
  • Other sources (non-government organisations (NGO), insurance etc.
  • Other government agencies


A case must be presented to the National Cochlear Implant Committee to upgrade the speech processor. Sources are:

  • Public Service Department (JPA)
  • Tabung Bantuan Perubatan (TBP)
  • Self-funding
  • Other sources such as non-government organizations (NGOs), insurance etc.
  • Other government agencies

Second Implant

  • Public Service Department (JPA)
  • Other government agencies (e.g. state government)
  • Tabung Bantuan Perubatan (TBP)
  • Self-funding

Terms and Conditions of the Second Implant

The patient has significant difficulty and limited capability to hear and to function in social and working environments despite benefitting from the first implant due to the limitation of monaural hearing. Considerations strictly apply to:

Children, especially below five years of age

Students and an active working group whose activity of daily living job description and job standing clearly indicate extra cost-effective benefits with a second implant.

How Can We Help You?

Like all our valued cochlear implant users, you too can transform your life with a cochlear implant from Listening Lab Malaysia. Say goodbye to the frustration and anxiety caused by hearing loss and hello to the sounds of the world around you. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalised care and support every step of the way.

Take the first step towards a life-changing experience by booking a consultation with us today.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cochlear Implants

How long does the cochlear implant surgery take?

The surgery typically takes a few hours and is usually performed on an outpatient basis.

What is the recovery process like after cochlear implant surgery?

Most patients recover quickly from the surgery and can resume their normal activities within a few weeks. However, it may take several months of rehabilitation and therapy to fully adjust to the cochlear implant and achieve optimal hearing outcomes.

When will I start hearing after getting a cochlear implant?

The implant is usually activated a few weeks after surgery, but it may take some time to adjust to the new sounds and learn to interpret them.

Are there any risks associated with cochlear implants?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks associated with cochlear implant surgery, such as infection, bleeding, and device malfunction. However, these risks are relatively rare, and the benefits of the surgery often outweigh the risks for suitable candidates.

How do I care for and maintain my cochlear implant?

Your audiologist will provide you with detailed instructions on caring for and maintaining your cochlear implant. This typically involves keeping the external processor clean and dry, avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures, and attending regular follow-up appointments.