Professional Hearing Test/ Audiometric Test in Malaysia
Need a hearing test in Malaysia? Schedule an audiometric test with The Listening Lab today. Accurate results, expert care, convenient locations.
Hearing Aid Fitting ServiceProperly fitting a hearing aid requires expertise, knowledge and patience.
Tinnitus ReliefPersistent tinnitus can affect your life in many negative ways. Learn what tinnitus is about and how to minimise its impact on you.
Hearing Aid Maintenance & CleaningThe Listening Lab employs modern and advanced systems to diagnose the health of your hearing aid and maintain it to pristine standards.
Home VisitCustomers with mobility issues can choose our home visit services, which we provide in both Singapore and Malaysia.
Remote Hearing CareYou are now able to have your hearing aids programed and adjusted from anywhere in the world without even leaving your home and visiting us!
Mobile Hearing CentreIf you have difficulties getting to our centre, then worry not because we will come to you with the first Mobile Hearing Centre in Malaysia!
Lifetime Aftercare ProgramYou will be automatically enrolled into our exclusive Lifetime Aftercare Program when you completed a hearing aid fitting with us.
Hearing Enhancement SystemIf you are a construction industry professional and wish to understand more about how Hearing Enhancement Systems can be installed in your premises, contact us now for a 1 to 1 session with our consultant.
Central Auditory Processing DisorderAuditory processing is the ability of the ears to communicate with the brain. Basically, what the brain does to what your ears hear. Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is an umbrella term for different disorders that affect how the brain processes auditory information. CAPD is often referred to as the hearing problem wherein the brain can’t hear.
Assisted Ear Cleaning & Earwax Removal by ProfessionalsGet up-to-date with your ear condition under our professional care. Within an hour, feel a difference in the clarity of sound and receive a complementary hearing test for further diagnosis and evaluation.
Aural RehabilitationAural rehabilitation is so important and this is the reason why a person with hearing loss is often endorsed to hearing care professionals. If someone is suffering from this kind of condition, proper counselling must be considered all the time.
Speech In Noise TestsSpeech testing measures the ability of a person to hear, understand and repeat words.
Infant Hearing Screening TestEarly detection through infant hearing screening test and intervention in your child's auditory development has profound importance. As parents, we all want the best for our little ones, and ensuring their ability to hear and communicate is a fundamental cornerstone in their early journey.
Conditioned Play AudiometryCheck your little one's hearing with Conditioned Play Audiometry (CPA), a hearing test designed for toddlers and preschoolers age 2-5 years old. Learn more...
Sleep Apnea: Signs, Risks, and Treatment SolutionsSleep apnea can be life-threatening if left untreated. Discover the various causes, types, and symptoms and how a timely diagnosis can help you help you.
Medical Tourism (Wisata Medis)Our clients from Java and Sumatra love our hearing care services and the quality of our state-of-the-art hearing aids!