Hearing Test/ Audiometric Test

The Listening Lab Malaysia uses the most advanced hearing testing technology in a highly equipped audiometry room to determine an individual's hearing levels.

Our consultants and/or audiologists in Malaysia are certified hearing care professionals with years of experience in working with clients to check ear problems, provide hearing tests, and improve their hearing. We also have several locations across Malaysia so rest assured you should be able to reach out to us for an audiometric test near you.

On this page, you will learn:

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What is a Hearing Test and Why is it Important?

A hearing test provides an evaluation of the sensitivity of a person's sense of hearing and is most often performed by a professional such as an audiologist or hearing consultant at a clinic. 

Who Should Get a Hearing Test?

If you experience symptoms such as difficulty understanding conversations, frequently asking others to repeat themselves, or a constant ringing in your ears, you should consider a hearing test. Risk factors for hearing loss include prolonged exposure to loud noises, ageing, and a family history of hearing issues.

Children should have their hearing checked periodically to ensure proper development. Adults, especially those over 50, should have annual tests. Individuals working in noisy environments, such as construction or music, should also undergo regular hearing assessments to detect any early signs of hearing loss.

Common Signs You Might Need a Hearing Test

Hearing loss manifests differently in adults and children. Adults may notice they often ask others to repeat themselves or frequently increase the volume on their devices. Children might exhibit inattentiveness, delayed speech development, or difficulty following directions.

Recognising the early signs is crucial for timely intervention. If you or your child experience ringing in the ears, difficulty understanding speech, or the need to read lips to follow conversations, it's time to consider scheduling a hearing test at a centre near you as early detection can significantly improve quality of life.

The Benefits of Early Detection and Treatment of Hearing Loss

Early detection and treatment of hearing loss helps maintain social connections, improve relationships, and boost overall well-being. Early treatment also facilitates better performance in educational and professional settings.

Early intervention can also prevent further hearing damage. Using hearing aids or other assistive devices reduces the strain on your auditory system, helping to preserve your remaining hearing. By identifying and treating hearing loss early, you can enjoy a richer, more connected life while safeguarding your hearing health for the future.

Types of Hearing Tests We Offer

There are many types of hearing tests. Tests such as Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), Paediatric VIsual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) are specialised hearing tests for infants and children. There are many other hearing tests which are used for specific situations or specific people.

services kids ear check

What is a Pure Tone Audiometric test (PTA)?

The most common and accepted test to determine if a person requires hearing aids, is the Pure Tone Audiometric test (PTA). PTA is the primary hearing test used to identify hearing levels of an individual, so that the professional is able to determine the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss. This result provides the basis for diagnosis and management. Other tests may come into play depending on the results of the PTA.

services pure tone audio metric test

How is a Pure Tone Audiometric test (PTA) done?

To attain an accurate PTA result, the first thing that must be done is to check the ear canal to look for obstructions by earwax or foreign objects that could affect the outcome of the test. Any obstruction could insulate sound and impact the accuracy of the test. Therefore a digital otoscopy has to be first done.

What is an Otoscope?

An otoscope is a device designed to do a visual check on the ear canal and ear drum. In The Listening Lab, we provide a Video Otoscope service, which allows the hearing professional to show the customer what his or her ear looks like, a perspective he or she likely never is able to see normally!

services video otoscope

This is the view from the otoscope and this particular photo is of a healthy eardrum and unobstructed ear canal. If your eardrum is healthy, it will look something like this!

What happens after an Otoscopy in Malaysia?

Once the digital otoscope procedure has been completed, your hearing professional will provide clear, detailed instructions on how to proceed with the PTA diagnostic test. Follow his instructions clearly, and your test will most likely be completed in 20 minutes time.

You will be able to receive immediate results and your professional can then explain to you the results of your hearing test.

Feel free to visit our audiometric testing centre for hearing tests in Malaysia.

After the Hearing Test: Next Steps and Follow-Up Care

If hearing loss is detected, the next step is to discuss available treatment options with your hearing professional. These may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other assistive listening devices tailored to your specific needs. Your specialist will guide you in choosing the best solution to improve your hearing.

Follow-up care is essential to ensure optimal hearing health. Regular check-ups and adjustments to your hearing aids or devices will help maintain their effectiveness. Additionally, your hearing professional can provide tips on proper device maintenance and strategies to protect your hearing.

Book a Hearing Test in Malaysia Now!

Take the first step towards better hearing today. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms of hearing loss or simply want a routine check-up, our expert team is here to help. Book your hearing test now and start your journey to improved hearing and quality of life.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hearing Tests

What happens during a hearing test?

During a hearing test, a hearing professional will evaluate your ability to hear different sounds, pitches, and volumes. This typically involves listening to tones through headphones and responding when you hear them.

What is the difference between an audiometric test and a pure tone audiometry test?

An audiometric test in Malaysia encompasses various assessments to evaluate hearing ability, including speech recognition and word discrimination tests, in addition to tone detection. It provides a comprehensive understanding of an individual's hearing health.

Pure tone audiometry, a specific type of audiometric test, measures an individual's ability to hear sounds at different pitches and volumes. This test focuses on detecting the faintest tones a person can hear at various frequencies, helping to identify the degree and type of hearing loss.

In short, while pure tone audiometry is a component of the broader audiometric test, the latter includes a range of evaluations for a detailed hearing assessment.

What is involved in a digital otoscope or video otoscope examination during a hearing test?

A digital otoscope or video otoscope examination in Malaysia involves using a specialised device to visually inspect the ear canal and eardrum. During this examination, a small camera attached to the otoscope projects magnified images onto a screen, allowing both the hearing professional and the patient to see the ear's interior in real-time.

This procedure helps identify any abnormalities, such as earwax buildup, infections, or structural issues, that might affect hearing. The clear, detailed visuals provided by the digital otoscope aid in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning, ensuring comprehensive ear health assessment during the hearing test.

How can I schedule a hearing test appointment at your clinic in Malaysia?

We welcome all our customers to reach out to us via our contact page and make an appointment with our team. Our customer service representatives will be in touch with you promptly to schedule a date and time.

Can I get a hearing test if I have an ear infection or cold?

It’s best to wait until your ear infection or cold has cleared up before getting a hearing test, as these conditions can temporarily affect your hearing and lead to inaccurate results.