Wearing Hearing Aids for the First Time - Things You Need to Know

You can enquire for top hearing aids at Listening Lab Malaysia.

Wearing Hearing Aids for the First Time

First things first, it is highly recommended to follow the doctor’s advice before getting yourself a set of hearing aids. We provide highly reliable hearing solutions that support hearing problems. At The Listening Lab Malaysia, we have our team of hearing care specialists who can provide listening assessments to check the person’s hearing ability. 

The fitting process

During a series of hearing tests, fitting services will be provided to those who were advised to wear one. Fitting of hearing aids is the best way to test whether or not sound clarity is there. 

During the entire fitting process, our team of professionals completely check and compare various products and models before finally recommending them to patients. Further evaluation is needed on the part of our staff to avoid inaccurate conclusions and unnecessary product purchase. We are glad to help so you can see faster results. You can expect that our industry’s expertise is fully utilised to support patients and their hearing concerns. We completely understand that our technical knowledge is based on current device hearing technology. 

Things to expect 

It’s always helpful to get used to your new normal. If this is your first time wearing it, then expect things to sound differently. How long have you been suffering from hearing impairment? A hearing loss, like what experts say, can be complicated especially when left untreated. 

First-time wearers will experience hearing unusual sounds like they can be louder t.han normal. Flushing sound, birds tweeting you name it. It’ll be all new and sound different to you but this is not something to worry about. If you’ve heard someone yelling at you, then probably that is not the case. Whilst wearing your own hearing aids, expect that things may not go the way you want them to be. But, sooner it will all be gone when everything goes back to normal. 

Here are some tips to help you adjust to your new found hearing:

  1. Give your brain some time to recognise sounds that you hear. It’s your first time wearing hearing aids, so give it a rest. 
  2. Spend time reading and listening to further improve hearing condition. 
  3. Don’t feel ashamed when listening to yourself. This is the best way to track your progress in terms of correct enunciation of words.  
  4. Start practising with a trusted companion. This is very helpful to get real feedback and often leads to constructive criticism.
  5. List down short and long-term goals to effectively see your improvement 

Our products are all designed to provide comfort without compromising overall quality. We know that it is not going to be as easy as you think because there are series of tests before even buying yourself one. 

It may take a while before you get accustomed to a set of hearing aids. There is no reason to worry because all our hearing care specialists already know their way around. Product support and basic enquiries are always attended. We even offer free listening rehabilitation sessions along with the purchase of a selection of hearing aids to help clients hear and understand better through their new hearing device. You can also expect that our hearing aids are manufactured to meet high standards in the hearing care industry today. 

Got questions?  

We would love to answer your questions. We would also like to hear your experience with our products and services. As hearing care professionals, we believe that this is the best way to help and make you feel heard. Feel free to visit our website. We’re open and ready to talk to you.