The ability to hear is one of the most beautiful functions of our human bodies. As our hearing plays a significant role in our daily productivity, safety, and even maintaining balance, it is just right for us to take care of it in the best way we can. Our ears help us navigate busy streets safely, let us effectively communicate with loved ones, and allow us to listen to the music we enjoy. Neglecting our ears can have serious consequences, impacting our overall well-being.
The question now is, what is the proper way of caring for our ears? Taking steps to keep our ears free from earwax buildup and other potential issues is vital not only for maintaining optimal hearing but also for preventing infections. However knowing how to clean ears safely is crucial, as improper methods can lead to more harm than good.
Continue reading to the end of this post as we try to answer the frequently asked questions pertaining to the best ear cleaning methods.
Should You Clean Your Ears?
Before we answer the ‘how’ and ‘how often’ questions, let’s get this one straight first. Ideally, you should not clean your ears. Yes, you heard that right. There’s no need for us to clean our inner ears. Why so? Because our ears have its natural way of cleaning it out of earwax. This natural ear cleaning process involves the earwax naturally migrating out of the ear canal, carrying with it any debris or dust.
However, sometimes this natural process is disrupted, and earwax can accumulate, leading to a buildup. If your ears feel full and you think you’re suffering from an earwax buildup, this is when intervention may be needed. While some at-home methods can help with minor buildup, it's important to avoid inserting objects like cotton swabs into the ear canal.
In cases of excessive or stubborn earwax buildup, it is crucial to seek professional care from a healthcare provider or audiologist. They can safely and effectively remove the blockage and provide guidance on proper ear cleaning and maintenance.
What Are the Best Practices & Methods for Ear Cleaning?
Contrary to popular belief, sticking cotton swabs inside your ears is not the answer. Ear candling doesn’t work either. If there’s anything, these popular cleaning options may even do more harm than good to your ears. Using cotton swabs or other pointy tools to pick your earwax may just push it further inside your ears, potentially causing impaction or damage. Ear candling can cause burns or other injuries.
The best way to care for your ears is by cleaning the outer parts of it only. For those who want to know how to clean ears safely at home, we recommend using a soft cotton swab or a warm and damp washcloth to wipe the area. Be careful not to insert the cotton swab into the ear canal itself.
If needed, you can also try putting a few drops of baby oil, mineral oil, or glycerin in your ear to soften the wax inside if you want to remove stubborn ear wax. After waiting for a certain amount of time, these solutions will be drained or rinsed out of the ears. Just make sure to read carefully and follow the instructions stated on the box of these over-the-counter eardrops.
However, if you feel stuffed in your ear and you suspect that you have an earwax buildup, the best thing to do is to pay a visit to your trusted ear cleaning service provider. Leave this to the ear experts who have special devices to look inside your ear canals and remove the impacted earwax.
When Should You Seek Professional Ear Cleaning?
While our ears are naturally self-cleaning, sometimes earwax can accumulate and cause a buildup. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it's essential to seek proper professional ear cleaning services:
- Hearing loss: Earwax buildup can muffle sounds and make it difficult to hear clearly.
- Ear discomfort: You may feel a sense of fullness, pressure, or even pain in your ear.
- Tinnitus: A ringing or buzzing sound in the ears can sometimes be associated with earwax blockage.
- Dizziness: In some cases, excessive earwax can affect balance and cause dizziness.
- Itching or irritation: A persistent itch or irritation in the ear can be a sign of impaction.
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to Listening Lab. Our experienced audiologists are equipped to safely and effectively remove earwax buildup, providing relief and restoring your hearing.
How Much Does Professional Ear Cleaning Cost?
The cost of professional ear cleaning in Malaysia varies depending on the provider and the complexity of the earwax removal. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from RM90 to RM230 or more. Factors that can influence how much ear wax removal costs include the experience of the practitioner, the techniques used for the ear cleaning, and whether any additional diagnostic tests are required.
Our advice for hiring a professional to clean your ears is to make sure that you have it done by a general practitioner (GP) or an ENT specialist in a hospital or specialised clinic like Listening Lab. Consulting a healthcare professional for earwax removal offers several benefits like accurate diagnosis, safe removal, and personalised advice.
How Often Should You Clean Your Ears?
Ear cleaning frequency really depends on your individual needs. For people who produce just the normal amount of earwax, the most you’ll need to do is gently wipe the areas of your outer ear. Let your ears naturally clean itself of earwax. Remember, earwax is beneficial for your ear health. Over-cleaning can disrupt this natural process, potentially leading to dryness, irritation, and even increased earwax production.
For people who produce too much earwax, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a doctor to talk about how often to have your ears cleaned professionally to avoid crossing to a point of impaction and hearing loss.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe for Ear Cleaning?
While hydrogen peroxide is a common ingredient in most earwax removal drops, it’s always best to consult with your doctor or audiologist in Malaysia first before using it for your ears. Hydrogen peroxide can be effective in softening and breaking down earwax, but it's not suitable for everyone. For instance, using hydrogen peroxide for ear cleaning can be harmful if you have an ear infection, a perforated eardrum, or sensitive skin. Using it too frequently or in high concentrations can also dry out the ear canal and lead to irritation.
If your doctor or audiologist determines that hydrogen peroxide ear cleaning is appropriate for you, they will advise you on the proper usage and concentration. They may also recommend alternative drops or earwax removal methods if necessary.
Trust the Experts for Your Hearing Care
When it comes to your hearing health, it's crucial to prioritise safe and effective practices. While our ears have a natural self-cleaning mechanism, excessive earwax buildup can sometimes occur, leading to discomfort and even hearing difficulties. In such cases, seeking professional help is essential.
At Listening Lab, we understand the importance of proper ear care. Our team of trained audiologists possesses the expertise and utilise advanced technology to safely and effectively remove earwax buildup. With our gentle and thorough approach, you can trust us to provide the highest quality care for your ears.
Don't let earwax buildup affect your hearing or overall well-being. Book an appointment with Listening Lab today for a comprehensive ear examination and professional assisted cleaning service. For more informative pieces of content about hearing care, head over for a browse at our blog section.