While us human being were made to be alike—two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, and the list goes on—we still vary greatly in terms of capacity of how each of our organs work. You may be able to see things clearer up close, but that is not the case for everyone. This is the same with our hearing, or the lack thereof. Hearing loss varies and hearing aids need to be configured in order to perfectly fit one’s needs. There are many configurations in which our hearing loss can differ.
How do you get this configuration?
When you undergo a hearing test, a special equipment gathers specific data to produce the accurate prescription. This machine is called the audiogram. It tells how healthy your hearing is and if present, states where your hearing is impaired. The data from this test is used to properly and uniquely configure your hearing aid to make sure that each device targets your specific needs.
What are the different configurations of hearing loss?
1. High or Low FrequencySounds come in various frequencies. High-pitched sounds can be children’s voices, clinking of metal and glass, birds chirping, fireworks exploding, the school bell ringing, and the like; while low-pitched sounds may include a lion’s roar, a gong, a croaking frog, thunder, and the like. The hair cells are responsible for detecting the signals. If these hair cells are more vulnerable to a specific kind of pitch, then they would need a high or low frequency hearing loss configuration.
2. Progressive or SuddenThere are some cases that hearing loss suddenly appears, while for some people, it gradually develops over time. Progressive hearing loss is more common than sudden hearing loss. This is because of age-related hearing loss wherein our auditory system becomes more delicate and damage to the inner ear magnifies. On the other hand, sudden hearing loss happens as a result of infections or diseases.. This configuration needs immediate medical attention because of what may have caused the hearing loss.
3. Unilateral or BilateralHearing loss can happen in one ear or both. These cases are called unilateral (from its prefix uni- meaning “one” and -lateral meaning “from the side”) and bilateral (literally meaning “two” sides). A person with unilateral hearing loss configuration may find it difficult to hold conversations on the impaired ear.
If you think that hearing loss in one ear doesn’t really affect your hearing, then you’re wrong. There’s a reason why we have two ears. Unilateral hearing loss should be treated with as much weight as bilateral hearing loss.
4. Symmetrical or AsymmetricalSymmetric hearing loss is when hearing loss in one ear is the same with the other. However, just like vision grade, hearing loss may vary between two ears. If this is your case, then your condition can be defined as to being asymmetrical. This can happen for several reason. One of which is a side of your body being constantly exposed to frequent sound exposure.
With these in mind, you will understand how vital a hearing test is. Hearing assessments help you find out which areas of hearing you need to give more attention to. This also helps you get the perfect fitting and perfectly functioning hearing aid that has been modified to best suit your specific needs.
Listening Lab uses only the finest equipment to facilitate the most accurate readings for your hearing. Get precise configurations by calling +603 7725 9334 and or visit branch in Malaysia.