In an article we posted, we discussed how the male population are more prone to hearing loss than their gender counterpart. Did you know that adult men are twice as likely as women to develop hearing loss? Yes, you read that right. Studies also show that 14% of adults ages 41-59 experience hearing impairment, and the pie goes bigger as the age goes higher with half of the senior population ages 75 years old and above suffering from the inability to hear.
It’s a fact that men face a greater risk of developing hearing loss. This is true as fathers tend to take a career path that involves loud noises such as engineering and perilous activities such as shooting or motorcycling. Being exposed to excessive noise levels are one of the major causes that contribute to the development of hearing loss.
This coming Father’s Day is an ideal time to discuss this topic with your dad. Help your father take care of his hearing with the following ideas from your hearing health professionals.
1. Take him to a hearing centreDo you notice your dad struggling to hear conversations over the phone or constantly asking people to repeat themselves when talking? These might be signs of hearing loss. This condition can be devastating to one’s life if left untreated. It can cause unintentional poor performance at work, lesser interest to socialise, and even create problems within relationships. The best thing to go about it is by convincing your dad to have his hearing checked by a health professional. Whether he is actually suffering from hearing loss or not, this will ensure that the next best steps will be taken with the advice of an expert.
2. Get him a hearing aidA common challenge faced by someone dealing with hearing loss is coming to terms with the reality of it. This Father’s Day, let your dad know that you’re with him in this new phase of life by giving him the gift of hearing. There are tons of different hearing aids in the market whereby your father can choose from—whether he’s the athletic type, the techie guy, or the stylish one. Convincing him to get a hearing aid will help him hear better, be happier, and live life easier.
3. Let him know you’re there for himHearing loss is not something that should be taken lightly. People who are suffering from this condition are struggling to carry on with their day-to-day tasks. The best thing you can do is to show your support and offer him your care and understanding. The adjustment period is always the hardest part. Wake him up in the morning when he doesn’t hear the alarm, make sure he doesn’t miss a visitor by answering doorbells, and be with him during social gatherings to help him carry out a conversation. These simple acts mean a lot to someone facing his hearing impairment.
To honour the mighty men of our homes, we’re having a month-long celebration of Father’s Day here at Listening Lab. Find a clinic near you and come bring your dad for a FREE HEARING CONSULTATION with our experts. To book an appointment, call +03 7725 9334.