How long do rechargeable hearing aid batteries last?

Hearing Aid Batteries Longevity

Arguably, the biggest convenience modern technology has served in the past decade of the computer age is the rechargeability of everyday gadgets— from rechargeable emergency lights and fans to rechargeable laptops and mobile devices. Of course, people with hearing problems do not stray far from the benefits of this technology.

What are rechargeable hearing aids?

Well-developed rechargeable hearing aids have grown to prominence during 2018, a shining light shone upon the hearing-impaired. Hearing aids that can be recharged are becoming increasingly popular due to their low maintenance and their ability to not require the user to purchase additional hearing aid batteries on a regular basis.

Up to date, rechargeable batteries can be categorised into two types namely:

  • Silver-Zinc rechargeable hearing aids
  • Lithium-Ion rechargeable hearing aids.

To differentiate, Silver-Zinc batteries, also known as Z-Power batteries are about the same size and shape as regular batteries. Silver-Zinc batteries always require a battery door. Additionally, Silver-Zinc rechargeable batteries tend to lean toward the more physically active members of the hearing-impaired demographic. These batteries aid in emergency needs, typically when users need to plug the hearing aid for an extended period of time. These batteries can be easily switched to any zinc-air battery for convenience.

On the other hand, the lack of a battery door means the hearing aid is powered by a Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery. The battery itself should last for the duration of the hearing aid, which is normally between 4-5 years. Furthermore, an integral facet of Lithium-Ion batteries is that they are well integrated into the newer hearing aid models that support severe to profound hearing issues for most ages.

Looking at it on a smaller scale, both types of hearing aids can last up to 24 hours when fully charged to their instructed specifications— usually ranging from 3-4 hours depending on the model. They can be charged whenever the user is inactive within the day. While on a larger scale, the two types of batteries very much differ in longevity, offering opposing perspectives on their replacement quota.

The Silver-Zinc hearing aids can only last up to 12-15 months depending on the frequency of usage. In fact, the best time for the hearing impaired to get their ears checked coincides with when the batteries need to be replaced. Silver-Zinc batteries were designed for the majority of the hearing-impaired, but recently only cater to those who require an annual check-up. On the other hand, Lithium-Ion batteries can last much longer— ranging up to 4-5 years, also depending on usage.

Throughout the years, Silver-Zinc batteries have plummeted in popularity within the community only favoured by people in specific circumstances. Their short lifespan has become a bane instead of a boon. Frequent hearing aid replacements have proven to be a hassle and certainly rack up the bill. Meanwhile, Lithium-Ion batteries reign superior— providing an overall longer shelf life, are easier to handle, safe for kids, and environmentally friendly.

With The Listening Lab, you can enjoy life without hassle again. We provide rechargeable hearing aids made from premium materials that will surely change your life for the better. Book a consultation today with our specialist in any of our hearing care centres in Malaysia. Most of all, check out all of our quality hearing aids.